Carbon Offsetting

Offset the carbon used to manufacture your system

Carbon Offset Your Install

Here at Sopoco we get really excited that each system we install, we are helping to reduce the dependecy on carbon based energy but we also want to give those that are environmentally aware the option to offset the carbon used in the mining, manufacture and shipping of the solar equipment. 

We work with a community interest company called My Carbon Plan to offer or carbon offsetting programme that is based in the UK. With sites in the Lake District we provide certificates with the What Three Words location of the m2 area allocated to your offset. 

All of our solar proposals offer our carbon offsetting programme option and you just have to let us know.

Our Goals.

limit the impact of our company.

We are committed to keeping the impact of our company to a minimum. We use renewable electricity to power or office and will always look for the most sustainable option when making business related choices.

promote renewable energy

We are committed to promoting the use of renewable energy solutions as a way of reducing reliance on energy company, reducing bills and limiting carbon.

Educate & Share

We are committed to working with people, schools and organisations to help educate people on how renewable energy can improve the world we live in.


© 2020-2024 Sopoco Limited Registration No 15697148 – 31 Chatsworth Road – Worthing – West Sussex – BN11 1LY –  VAT No 467115880 . All Rights Reserved