Environmental Policy
Environmental Policy:
Sopoco Limited recognise that in managing their activities they have a responsibility to customers, employees and the general public.
They have therefore adopted an environmental policy, which incorporates the principles of sustainable construction.
The aim of this policy is to:
- Ensure that all applicable legislation, regulations and codes of practices are adhered to on all sites and works.
- Promote environmental awareness and commitment to the policy amongst all employees through the provision of training, and to encourage suppliers and subcontractors to apply sound environmental principles.
- Avoid the wastage of materials, water and energy by paying careful attention to their use.
- Always seek to use wherever possible, materials from renewable sources and recycled or recyclable materials.
- Encourage customers, where possible, to adopt the principles of sustainability in their design process.
Design permanent works to
- Minimise pollution and the use of energy during their construction
- Minimise the use of raw materials during construction
- Minimise waste during construction
- Improve the landscape
- Retain natural features where possible
Plan carefully to prevent pollution and minimise environmental disturbance as a result of our activities
Apply continual improvement by reviewing performance against targets and by reviewing objectives.
In order to achieve this, it is the policy of Sopoco Limited to operate an effective Environmental management System.
Sopoco Limited are committed to the following:
- Finding out more about the effects of development on the environment. We see expert advice when necessary.
- Reduce the impact of our projects on neighbouring communities and keep local people informed of our activity.
- Minimise noise, dust and mud.
- Control traffic movement and parking.
- Comply with legislation, planning conditions and employ best practice.
- Prevent air, ground and water pollution.
- Protect and save wildlife and trees.
- Save energy and water during the construction process.
- Protect materials to reduce waste.
- Separate unavoidable waste and recycle wherever possible on site and in our offices.
- Salvage and re-use material created by demolition works.
- Source materials and workforce as materials, especially making sure we only use timber with an FSC certificate.
- Design for safety and security
- Inform workforce of this policy.
- 35 Offington Gardens, Worthing, West Sussex,
BN14 9AU
- sales@sopoco.co.uk
- 01903 410980
© 2020-2024 Sopoco Limited Registration No 15697148 – 31 Chatsworth Road – Worthing – West Sussex – BN11 1LY – VAT No 467115880 . All Rights Reserved