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What Impact do solar panels have on BREEAM?

What Impact do solar panels have on BREEAM:

BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) is a widely recognised and respected sustainability certification for buildings. It evaluates buildings based on several categories such as energy, water, waste, and ecology, among others. One of the essential aspects of BREEAM is the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar energy, to reduce the building’s environmental impact. In this blog, we will explore the impact solar has on BREEAM.

Solar energy is one of the most abundant and widely available renewable energy sources. It is a clean, efficient, and cost-effective way of generating electricity. Solar panels, also known as photovoltaic (PV) cells, convert sunlight into electricity that can power a building’s electrical systems. Buildings that incorporate solar panels can generate their electricity, reducing their reliance on fossil fuels, and reducing their carbon footprint.

The use of solar energy in buildings has a significant impact on the BREEAM certification. The BREEAM certification process includes several categories, and each category has a specific impact on the final score. The Energy category accounts for 19% of the total BREEAM score, and the use of renewable energy sources such as solar can significantly contribute to achieving high scores in this category.

The use of solar energy can help buildings achieve a high score in the Energy category by reducing their reliance on non-renewable energy sources. Buildings that incorporate solar panels can generate their electricity, reducing their dependency on grid electricity, which is often generated using non-renewable energy sources. Buildings that generate their electricity using solar energy can also sell any excess energy back to the grid, reducing their energy bills and providing an additional source of revenue.

In addition to the Energy category, solar energy can also impact the BREEAM score in other categories. For example, the Materials category accounts for 12% of the total BREEAM score, and the use of sustainable materials, such as solar panels, can contribute to achieving high scores in this category. The Ecology category accounts for 10% of the total BREEAM score, and buildings that incorporate solar panels can help reduce their impact on the environment, contributing to achieving high scores in this category.

In conclusion, the impact of solar on BREEAM is significant. Buildings that incorporate solar panels can achieve high scores in several categories, including Energy, Materials, and Ecology. The use of solar energy reduces buildings’ reliance on non-renewable energy sources, reduces their carbon footprint, and provides an additional source of revenue. The incorporation of solar panels in buildings is an excellent way to achieve high BREEAM scores and demonstrate a commitment to sustainability.